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The New South and Future South
The New South and Future South by Brion McClanahan
McClanahan Lecture (61:01)
Federalism in the New and Future South by Eric Neff
Neff Lecture (39:28)
The Future is Now by W. Donald Kennedy
D. Kennedy Lecture (58:45)
A Constitution for the Future South by T.L. Hulsey
Hulsey Lecture (37:37)
The Failure of Southern Nationalism by Tom Fleming
Fleming Lecture (57:04)
Reconstruction: Then, Now, and Tomorrow by James R. Kennedy
R. Kennedy Lecture (44:37)
Black Americans, Reconstruction, and the New South by Wanjiru Njoya
Njoya Lecture (57:11)
The Southern Cadence by Tom Daniel
Daniel Lecture (59:50)
Challening the Mondern Bent for Misinformation and Wokism at Southern Historic Sites by Mike Kitchens
Kitchens Lecture (51:07)
The New South's New World Order by Carey Roberts
Roberts Lecture (66:52)
What is Living and What is Dead in the Southern Tradition by Don Livingston
Livingston Lecture (55:30)
Neff Lecture
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